The Latest here at the Cottage — Valuable Info artical
Posted by Donette on

Hello friends and sewists.Do you ever feel like Alice in Wonderland? Never knowing what is coming next? Time seems to go backwards and forwards at the same time? It just doesn’t seem like it should be October yet. It's finally starting to feel like fall this evening as a front from the north is moving in. Fingers crossed. Our temps have been in the 90’s every day. Hoping for some cooler Fall like weather now.It has been another crazy, crazy year for us all in just about every way. Makes me want to crawl into a cave somewhere and hide. (LOL) But...
- Tags: Binding a quilt, Christmas Fabrics, Oct blog/newsletter, Valuable Info artical, Warriors Heart
March 2020 Happy St Patrick's Day
Posted by Donette on

Life is short and to me, family is the most important part of our lives. Our connections with those people who are our “family”, are the ones that sustain us and see us thru the good and bad. My sister and her hubby come to spend time with us every winter and I cherish those weeks. She is a quilter/sewist too and we enjoy working together in the sewing room when we can. Unfortunately, I only get to have her here a couple of months in the winter while they are escaping the cold grip of northern weather. But we...
- Tags: Valuable Info artical
Posted by Donette Backlund on

It’s May. 🎶 It’s May, 🎶 the lusty month of May 🎶………(the spring song from Camelot) I don’t know how “lusty” our month of May will be, but it’s starting out pretty “blustry”. With all the rain we have had, the weeds are rampant. I spent half a day outside weeding & I’m paying the price for that now. OOOOOOhh, old age is not for sissys! We made an unexpected road trip on Monday. We were hoping to see lots of wildflowers, and we did. But no Texas Bluebonnets, lots of pretty yellow and red & yellow flowers and a...
- Tags: NEWSLETTER, Valuable Info artical
Posted by Donette Backlund on

Here it is, the end of another very busy month and headed into the next. As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers”. But here in the Texas Hill Country, it’s bumped up a month or so, “winter rains, bring glorious flowers”. I’ve seen pictures of the bluebonnets blooming in wild display. That’s encouraging. It’s been a rough winter and it still seems to hang on, not letting go, but this morning, I found a beautiful promise that spring is really here. This is the first of my Iris to bloom this year, and it’s a magnificent specimen. I...
- Tags: NEWSLETTER, Valuable Info artical
Posted by Donette Backlund on

I’m sure y’all are familiar with the saying referring to the demise of Julius Caesar, “Beware the ides of March”. Well, I think we could update that and apply it, “Beware the unpredictable winter of 2018/2019”. Crazy weather cycles since last September, and I don’t think it’s just here in Texas, I think it’s been like that everywhere. I feel like hibernating for the next 6 weeks! But alas, life marches on and I must stay with it. So, “Top o’ the morning to ya”……….fingers crossed for a nice March on all fronts. My long arm skills have steadily increased...
- Tags: NEWSLETTER, Valuable Info artical