The Latest here at the Cottage
Posted by Donette on

Little Cottage Quilt Shop Hello dear customers, We would like to express to you our heart felt Thanks for your friendships and continuing support. Today is our 10th anniversary. Seems like just yesterday and an eternity at the same time. We have made many new, wonderful friends and appreciate each and every one of you. We hope you have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. Keep Sewing Donette
It's been too long
Posted by Donette on

WELL, I FEEL LIKE AND IDIOT!!! I just realized that this post was never made visible. :( I have no idea what happened. I wrote this last May and wondered why I wasn't getting any feed back. So better late than never I guess. Here's May"s post: OMG! I can't believe it's been over a year since I posted on here or sent out an email newsletter. It's been a crazy year and a half for us. Lots happening, both with the shop and in our lives. Too much to try to catch up on, so I'll just start fresh...
Posted by Donette on

Hello loyal friends and Sewists,I didn’t realize that my last newsletter/blog post was last August. Where does the time go?? It seems to be harder and harder for me to juggle everything. I think I may be suffering some level of burn out. The holidays (Oct thru Dec) were a blur of activities and deadlines. Does it seem like time is speeding up to y’all ? or is it just me? WHEW !! Add to the time crunch, the stress of having my long arm machine give me fits. It’s older and I think I am it’s 3rd owner. So...
Posted by Donette on

Hello friends and Sewists,Where do I begin??!!!?? This year, so far, has been another one for the books. After a brutal, unusually cold winter, record setting heat, drought, much family drama, crazy things happening and so very busy I can hardly breath. I could really use a break!! I don’t quite understand how I am “retired” and busier than I was raising little kids. The weeks scream by before my very eyes. Where does the time go???We continue to have the shop open only 1 day a week for many reasons. I know it’s a bit of an inconvenience for...
Posted by Donette on

Hello friends and Sewists, I’m sure y’all thought I had fallen off the face of the earth. Just about! 2022 hit us like a freight train and we are still recovering. This might be old news to some of you who frequent the shop, but I’ll try to cover the basics for the rest of you. News Years Eve, Christer’s index finger was in the wrong place with the power planer. We spent 6 hours in Emergency getting it fixed up. (not quite what I had in mind for NYE!!) It has just now completely closed up and healed finally....