The Latest here at the Cottage — how it started
Posted by Donette on

I apologize for the radio silence for the last 2 months. 😏 Life has been really crazy for me. It’s been difficult adjusting to a new schedule. It is rough sometimes, trying to get your equilibrium. As strange as that sounds, having the shop open 1 day a week, has been a complete rearrangement of my schedule and routine. So writing the blog/newsletter kind of fell thru the cracks. Sorry. I hope I haven’t lost y’all in the process. But it is starting to come together, slowly. We have had to make some major adjustments to our plans. The price...
How It All Got Started
Posted by Donette Backlund on

How it all got Started November 22, 2013 Well, here I am !!! WOW !! Never in my wildest dreams, a year or so ago, would I ever have thought I would be here today, doing what I'm doing. It's been a long and bumpy journey over the past year. But a thrilling adventure. I have always sewn, A LOT, from the time I was very young, about 5 years old. Owning a fabric store has been a dream for me for over 35 years. I got very close once, but it never came to fruition. Then, in early...