How It All Got Started
Posted by Donette Backlund on
How it all got Started
November 22, 2013

Well, here I am !!! WOW !! Never in my wildest dreams, a year or so ago, would I ever have thought I would be here today, doing what I'm doing. It's been a long and bumpy journey over the past year. But a thrilling adventure.
I have always sewn, A LOT, from the time I was very young, about 5 years old. Owning a fabric store has been a dream for me for over 35 years. I got very close once, but it never came to fruition. Then, in early 2013, it sort of fell in my lap, kind of like jumping onto a freight train as it goes by !! Carpe Diem and all, you know.
So, I am learning more than I ever knew there was to know about the fabric store business. It's sew much fun, (pun intended) it really is, it's exciting and it's terrifying all at the same time. But, it’s also a life dominating amount of work. Every day is a new challenge and a new learning experience. Every day another first. Every day I feel so fortunate to be able to realize my dream in real life. (I pinch myself a lot)
We spend several years looking for our "dream" place to retire to, and finally settled on Bandera County, in the Texas Hill Country. We had a specific type of property in mind and thought that we would build a new campground with "big rigs" in mind. (that's a whole other story for another post) When we finally found the right property, it came with an unexpected bonus, the wonderful little town of Medina. We feel like we hit the jack pot, and we did. The community has been so loving, welcoming and supportive of us, even before we opened the Quilt/Fabric shop. Thanks you Medina for all of it.
Stay with me as I fill up this blog with pictures, history, ideas and thoughts. Maybe even a pattern or two if I can figure that out. LOL ! Watch the progress of the new classroom. See all the beautiful new fabric collections that arrive every week. Admire the projects of those who bring their "show & tell" into the shop to share with us. Stay tuned.........................:)