It's been too long

Posted by Donette on

WELL, I FEEL LIKE AND IDIOT!!!  I just realized that this post was never made visible. :(  I have no idea what happened. I wrote this last May and wondered why I wasn't getting any feed back. So better late than never I guess. Here's May"s post:

OMG! I can't believe it's been over a year since I posted on here or sent out an email newsletter. It's been a crazy year and a half for us. Lots happening, both with the shop and in our lives. Too much to try to catch up on, so I'll just start fresh with the here and now.

For those of you who haven't been to the shop in a while, last year about this time, we did a complete shop rearrangement. The floor n the front of this old building, was starting to sag under the weight of the fabric. We had to make a change and fast. It was a problem with a silver lining. After 10 years of accumulating more and more notions and fabrics and trying to find a place to put them, the shop was looking a bit disheveled. It needed a complete make over. So that is just what we did.

We closed the shop at 4 pm on a Wednesday and immediately started dismantling the shop. We decided that the big room in the back of the shop was the best room for all the fabrics. We had built that room and knew that the floor was stout enough for all the weight. Then the old front part of the shop was perfect for all the notions. Every cabinet, shelf, slat wall and fixture had to be removed, moved and then remounted. A full week of hard physical work, long  hours late into each night. It was a daunting task. Every bolt of fabric, every package of buttons had to be removed from it display spot and moved to a new location. Even the long arm got a new place to work.  We finished up enough at 11 pm the next Tuesday to open the shop the next morning. WHEW !!! But what an improvement! So much better. Now we have a "Fabric Room" were the fabric is much more accessible. The notions are all gathered together in the front part of the shop, easier to find. The long arm is proudly in front behind the cutting table, displaying all your wonderful creations as I quilt them for you. We even were able to maintain the sitting area and the puzzle able with it's ongoing puzzle. We are very happy with the refresh. We still have a few tweaks to do and some painting. So far it has received rave reviews.

Here are just a few interior shots.

We also have a new refresh for the exterior of the shop. It's needed it since the beginning. LOL! What can I say, it's so much work to build and run a shop. We have committed to finishing off the exterior and making it look like it should. We are excited. We have a new paint color scheme too. Can you guess??? Stayed tuned. (Fingers crossed the weather cools down a bit so I can paint).

For those asking, yes, I am still doing long arm quilting for y'all. Bring in your quilt tops ready to quilt. Please prepare your quilt tops. Trim as many threads as you can and pressing always makes for a nicer job. We also have a new policy, 10% off the backing and batting if you purchase them here when you bring your top in to be quilted. 

As y'all know we are open every Wednesdays and the second Sunday of each month. We have been ask many, many times if we could be open more. Quilt shop are becoming a bit scarce anymore. I hear you. We are contemplating it. We have a very busy life, so adding another day each week at the shop will require some adjustments for us. We need your feed back. If we are open Wednesdays and Thursdays, will it been helpful for y'all. Please let us know. Email or call and leave us a message on the voicemail. Please let us know if you think it's a good idea and if you will support it. It will really help with the decision.

We have had quite a bit of new fabrics arrive in the last month and still. have a couple more orders on the way. That requires that we shift fabric to the sale rack. We just added 4 bolts of 60" wide Cuddle to the rack. You won't want to miss this incredible bargain for quilt backs, snuggle blankets, jackets & vests, and even stuffies. Come visit us and check out all the changes and see what's new.

Keep Sewing,  Donette




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